We are excited to bring you guys a fun, late season fall event, the 2017 ALABAMA PRECISION CHARITY CHALLENGE. It will be a great opportunity to gain some late season PRS points as well as a good time with friends.

This event will be different than most other PRS matches because it will be for charity. We will have trophies and cash payout up to 5th place. The prize table will be a raffle with all money generated going to charity. Shooter’s will be able to purchase raffle tickets at registration for a chance to win some great gear!

Shooters will engage rifle targets from 100-1200 yards and pistol targets from 5-30 yards. Since you rifle shooters are notoriously horrible pistol shots, we will keep the pistol quick and easy. It will just be there as a way to keep the fun factor high.

We are looking forward to another great event and we hope you will consider joining us!